Admissions from the 6.5 to the 8.5. In 2005 |
Symposium 01_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 02_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 03_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 04_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 05_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 06_Mauthausen-2005.mp3 Symposium-01.mp3 Symposium-02.mp3 Symposium-03.mp3 Symposium-04.mp3 Symposium-05.mp3 Symposium-06.mp3 |
Description: From the 6th to the 8th of May I visited the symposium to the memory of the homosexual victims of the Nazi regime. The event ended on Sunday with a wreath putting down in the stone tablet for the homosexual prisoners in (former) KZ-Mauthausen. The admissions Mauthausen 01-06 are from me made sound recordings. In the admissions symposium 01-06 you hear my own notes. In addition there was at the end of August, 2005 also a Freak-Radio_Show: Mauthausen.mp3 |
Admissions from the 15.6. In 2005 |
Press conference Homomahnmal.mp3 |
Description: On the 15. June 2005 a press conference took place in the Cafè Berg on the subject Homo's memorial. Mr. Mailath-Pokorny, Mrs. Wessely and Mr. Schöny explained that the city of Vienna establishes a Homo-Memorial in close future on the Morzinplace. The admission lasts 40 minutes and is big about 9 Mb. |
Admission from August, 2005 |
Download-Site: Kindereuthanasie.mp3 |
In August, 2005 I visited the exhibition about child euthanasia in the Viennese town archive - gasometre D. Mrs. Brigitta Riegele led me by the exhibition. |
Admission of the winter, 2005 |
Download-Site: geheimsache_leben.wav |
Together with the Green Party, and Green_Party (Gay and Lesbian Section) I visited in autumn, 2005 the exhibition "geheimsache leben" (secret lives). In this exhibition the life was shown by homosexual in the 20th century. |
Admission from June 2006 |
Download-Site: 01 , 02 , 03 , 04 , 05 , 06 , 07 , 08 , 09 |
There was at June 2006 in Vienna the first "official" Lesbian-Gay_Streetfestival in Vienna. Here you can hear my sound recordings. |