About me

Bild 1: Steinkellner Peter Bild 2: Steinkellner Peter Bild 3: Steinkellner Peter

My name is Peter Steinkellner. I was born on 7th of September, 1971. I had my Coming out at the age of 20. I have build up a certain measure of political consciousness. To me it became clear that life is nice. However, I also understood that there are dark points in the history that absolutely must be discussed. The crimes of the National_Socialists (Nazi), for example, is such a point. Here is for me the pursuit of homosexual of special interest.
To me it is clear that history cannot be changed any more. However, it is important that everyone also remembers the disagreeable and painful events and prevent with all strength such in the future.
At the moment there is no "real existing" memorial, but this "virtual" memorial - I hope in near futur it is other wise.

I am a member in some None-Profit-Organisations. Greenpeace, Amnesty and other. There are some especially organisations which are more important to me and with whom I gladly cooperates. This would be:
Austrian_Green_Party (englisch) and Freak_Radio (englisch) - Freak-Radio is a Radio made of disabled people for disabled and none-disabled people.

I am very partially sighted, or "schaß `augert" (shit-eyed) how I always say. Nevertheless, or maybe also just so, I deal with photograph (1, 2, 3) and painting (1, 2, 3, 4).
In my opinion it cannot be acceptable that someone capitulates with every smaller or bigger problem immediately and withdraws frustrated into a corner.
In many affairs it is a matter of "rolling up the sleeves" and of seizing the problem. Disabled people, homosexual, people with foreign background, and other "minorities" can come only to her right, if they:
  • analyse the situation
  • plan something concrete to change the situation
  • carry out the plan unanimously and unflustered
  • be always faithfully to this principles

This site is also in a German Version and (not yet) in a Japanese Version. (Attention: This first version of this japanese Homo-Monument_Site wasn`t translated by my own, I used a software. I excuse for the low quality.)

On my Blog I am writing my opinion about different subjects. One topic is how I`m actually build up my own company.

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